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So far allyn has created 7 blog entries.

Ravenous is the Enemy of Mindfulness

Learn to Decode Your Body's Hunger Language Do you go all day without eating, perhaps only drinking coffee, only to gorge yourself on anything that doesn't move once you get home? Do you virtuously dine on cardboard-tasting, calorie-controlled, low-fat, low-carb meals for a period of time, ultimately leading you to binge on all those foods [...]

Mindful Eating Tips

Do you find yourself eating in your car? Newsflash: Your car is not a portable restaurant! If you are one of the gazillions of people who multitask while eating, you may also find that you get indigestion a lot, never feel full, tend to overeat and then feel stuffed or just have a hard time [...]

Losing Weight for the Right Reasons

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you have probably been lured into the process by some appealing looking diet du jour. Maybe you’ve even lost the desired weight, only to regain it and perhaps more. Full of self loathing and disappointment, you lick your wounds and vow to try again—next time you’ll have more [...]

Think Yourself Healthy with Mindful Affirmations

Can You Really Think Yourself Healthy? It is a widely known cognitive behavioral principle that our feeling and thoughts drive our actions. Therefore, if you are thinking negative thoughts and feeling upset and distressed, it is most likely going to translate out into negative action. When clients first begin treatment their heads are often filled [...]

Sex Addiction & Disordered Eating – Not So Distant Cousins

Enjoying a night out and once again frequenting the bar scene with her girlfriends, Sarah, a tall, attractive, athletic-looking 30-year-old marketing executive, decided that it was time to put herself “out there” once more. While she and Ryan, her ex-boyfriend of one year, had broken up six months ago after discovering that he had been [...]

Mindful Detection of Food Allergies Can Unlock the Weight Mysteries

Do you crave specific foods that you eat frequently and although you feel unsatisfied, you only crave more? Do you feel drawn to certain foods and end up feeling bloated, fatigued or headachy? Do you suffer from abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea after eating some foods? If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of these questions, [...]

Bariatric Surgery: A Magic Bullet or a Life-Changing Opportunity

Obesity is a disease that affects one-third of adults in the United States. While the obesity rates differ from state to state, the numbers of overweight and obese Americans have steadily increased since 1960. The basic facts are that if your body mass index (BMI) is over 30 or you are 20 percent or more [...]

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